Cholera |
What is cholera? Cholera is a bacterial disease
that affects the intestinal tract. It is caused by a germ called Vibrio
cholerae. Although only a few cases are recognized in the United States each
year, epidemic levels of cholera have recently been reported in parts of
Central and South America. Who gets cholera? Cholera affects all ages and both sexes. Movement of population(eg. pilgrimages,
marriages, fairs and festivals) results in increased risk of exposure to
infection. The cholera germ is passed in the
stools. It is spread by eating or drinking food or water contaminated by the
fecal waste of an infected person. This occurs more often in underdeveloped
countries lacking adequate water supplies and proper sewage disposal. What are the
symptoms of cholera? People exposed to cholera may
experience mild to severe diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Fever is usually
absent. How soon do
symptoms appear? The symptoms may appear from a few
hours to five days after exposure. What is the
treatment for cholera? Because of the rapid dehydration
that may result from severe diarrhea, replacement of fluids by mouth or by the
intravenous route is critical. Antibiotics, such as tetracycline, are also used
to shorten the duration of diarrhea and shedding of the germs in the feces. Is there a vaccine
for cholera? A vaccine is available. However,
the vaccine offers only partial protection (50%) for a short duration (two to
six months) . The use of the current
vaccine cannot be justified as they are of no value in controlling epidemics. The single most important preventive measure is to avoid consuming uncooked foods or water. The next important preventive measure is sanitary disposal of excreta and handwashing with soap after defecation. |