
Frequently Asked Questions


Mode of Spread

Prevention and Control


  1. What is Leptospirosis?

It is a bacterial disease caused by a spirochaete, Leptospira  interrogans affecting human and animals.

  1. What are the symptoms of Leptospirosis in humans?

High fever, severe headache,Chills,Vomitting, Conjuctival suffusion,Muscle ache, Jaundiceand Haemorrhagic manifestations are the common symptoms of Leptospirosis.

  1. How does Leptospirosis spread?

It is spread to humans through contact with the environment contaminated with the urine of carrier animals.(infected animals).  Direct transmission  of leptospirosis is rare.

  1. Which animals act as carrier animals?

In Tamilnadu, the most common carrier animals are Rats, Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep and Dogs .

  1. How to differentiate Leptospirosis from other fever?

Acute febrile illness with headache, myalgia associated  with conjuctival suffusion, Jaundice, living in an environment contaminated with animal urine or a history of exposure  to infected animals can be suspected for Leptospirosis.

  1. Will Leptospirosis cause death?

The severe form of the disease characterized by severe jaundice with Multi-organ failure may lead to death.

  1. What is the specific treatment for Leptospirosis?

For confirmed Leptospirosis  cases, the treatment is Inj.Benzathine Penicillin – 5million units/day for 5days.  For hyper reactive cases ,Tab.Erythromycin 250mg-4times/day for 5days or Tab.Doxycycline 100mg twice daily for 10days.

   8. How can we prevent Leptospirosis?

      Disease prevention consist of good sanitation.  Health education to the community to increase awareness about how to control and prevent the disease  will  prevent the disease spread.  The use of boots and gloves on hazardous places can minimize the risk of spread.