Activities of Health Sub Centres:
Peripheral most unit available at the Village level to take care of the Health needs of the community.
- A Health Sub centre covers a population of 5000 in plain areas and 3000 in Hilly and difficult terrains. All Primary Health Care Services are being provided at the door steps of the community.

Each Health sub centre is manned by a pair of Health Workers.
- The
Female Worker (VHN) takes care of MCH activities, including Immunization.
- The male worker (HI) @ one per 3 HSCs is responsible to control of Communicable Diseases, Checking of Births and Deaths Registration, Health Education, Surveillance, etc.
- All
pregnant women are registered by the Village Health Nurses at the
earliest stage of pregnancy and given Antenatal care.
- Antenatal
care includes two doses of Tetanus Toxoid Injections and
distribution of 100 tablets of Ferrous Sulphate Tablets (FST).
- The
Health Sub centre area is divided into 4 units and on every
Wednesday, Immunization sessions are organised in one unit, thereby
covering the entire area in a month.
- Village
Health nurses provide information on MTP services and are issuing
contraceptive tablets, etc. for postponement of next pregnancy.
- Village
Health Nurses provide information on sterilization and IUD insertion
is done by her.
- The
HSC provides medicine for minor ailments like cold, fever,
diarrhoea, etc.
- The
male worker visits the Village and takes blood smear to detect malaria.
- Sputums
are collected from chronic patients of cough and sent to Primary
Health Centres, for examination. If found positive for
tuberculosis, treatment is arranged through Primary Health Centres.
- Chlorination
of water sources and disinfection of affected houses, during
diarrhoea are done by the male worker.
- Identifying
cases of leprosy and treat them.
- Male
health workers make festival arrangements and investigate food
poisoning and counsel on food hygiene.
- Male
health workers motivate for family planning and distribute condoms.