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Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine: |
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Civil Registration is a continuous, permanent, compulsory recording of the occurrence and characteristics of vital events, like births, deaths and still births. The registration of births and deaths is carried out under the provisions of the Registration of Birth and Death (RBD) Act, 1969 and the Registrar General, India is entrusted with the responsibilities of co-ordinating and unifying the activities under CRS in the Country. The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine is the Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths in Tamil Nadu and he is the implementing authority of the RBD Act 1969 in the State. The District Registrar /Additional District Registrar is responsible for carrying into execution in the District, the provisions of this Act and the orders of the Chief Registrar issued from time to time for the purpose of this Act. The registration of births and deaths is done by the local registrars appointed by the State Government under Section 7(1) of the RBD Act, under whose jurisdiction the event has taken place. ![]() The following Departments are involved in Birth and Death Registration work Time period prescribed for registering the event: The normal period of 21 days (from the date of occurrence) has been prescribed for reporting the birth, death and still birth events. Fee for registration of births and deaths: If any event of a birth or death is reported for registration to the prescribed authority within the normal period of 21days, no fee would be charged. Registration can be made after the normal period of reporting: If any event of birth or death is not reported for registration within 21 days, the same can be reported any time under the Delayed Registration provisions prescribed under Section 13 of the Act with payment of fee prescribed.
The Government have ordered the revision of fee in G.O.Ms.No.360 Health and Family welfare (AB2) Department, Dated 12.10.2017 is detailed below. Revision of Fee
Persons Responsible for reporting the event: (i) In respect of birth or death occurred in a house, it is the duty of the Head of the house/household or nearest relative of the head present in the house or in the absence of any such person, the oldest male person present therein during the said period is responsible to report the event to the concerned Registrar/ sub Registrar. These events can also be reported through the prescribed Notifiers such as Anganwadi Workers, ANMs, ASHAs and HMs of Government and Government Aided Schools with the informant’s signature. (ii) In respect of birth or death occurred in a hospital, health center, Maternity or nursing home or other such institutions, the Medical officer In-charge or any person authorized by him on his behalf is responsible for reporting. (iii) In respect of any new born child abandoned or dead body found deserted in a public place, the Village Administrative Officer in the case of a village and the officer in charge of the local police station elsewhere is responsible for reporting. Whom to approach for registration: The events of birth and death are registered at the place of occurrence of the event i.e. where the event took place. Under the provision of Section 7 of the RBD Act, the Registrars of Births and Deaths are appointed for each local area comprising the area within the jurisdiction of the Municipality,Panchayat or other local authority. Registrars
How many copies of birth or death certificate can be obtained: One free copy of birth / death certificate is issued to the informant under Section 12 of the RBD Act. Under the provision of Section 17 of the Act, any number of copies can be obtained by any one after paying the prescribed fee. Name Registration of the Child: Name of the child shall be registered by the Parents within one year from the date of registration of the birth without any late fee. If the Child Name has not been registered within one year, the same may be done after 1 year but within 15 years from the date of registration with a late fee of Rs. 200/-. Extension of Time Limit for Name registration of the Child: a)For the birth registered prior to 01.01.2000 without name, the name of the child shall be registered upto 31.12.2019. Search and Grant of Extract under section 17: Any person can apply either for a search of an event alone or for both search and issue of extract. The fees payable for search to be made, extract and non-availability certificate shall be as follows: a) For granting extract relating to each Birth or Death - Rs.200/- b) Search for single entry for each year - Rs.100/- c) For every Additional year for which the search is continued – Rs.100/- d) Granting Non Availability certificate of Birth or Death -Rs.100/- Additional Birth and Death Registration units in PHCs: In G.O.Ms.No. 204 Health and Family Welfare (AB2) Department dated 15/07/09 all the Primary Health Centers in Tamil Nadu have been declared as Additional Births and Deaths Registration units and the Health Inspectors working in Primary Health Centres are appointed as Births and Deaths Registrars of the respective units. In all the Primary Health Centers and in the major Hospitals, the Birth Certificates are issued prior to the discharge of the mother from the hospitals after delivery of the child. Issue of Free Birth Certificates The Government have issued orders in G.O.Ms.No.138 Health and Family Welfare (AB1) Department dated 6/5/09 to issue free Birth Certificates for the deliveries occurred in all Government Hospitals prior to the discharge of the mother from the hospitals as per Sec 12 of the Registration Birth and Death Act. In order to register the Vital Events occurring in Government institution so as to provide the Birth / Death certificate before they leave the Hospital, the Government have ordered for the appointment of Birth and Death Registrars in G.O. Ms. No.353, Health and family welfare (AB2) Department, Dated 09/10/2017. (i) MPHS (Male) of the PHCs as Registers for the Government District Head Quarters Hospitals, Government Medical College Hospitals, Taluk and Non Taluk Hospitals situated in the village Panchayats. (ii) Sanitary Inspectors / Executive Officers of Urban Local Bodies and Town panchayats are the Registrars for the Government District Head Quarters Hospitals, Government Medical College Hospitals, Taluk and Non Taluk Hospitals situated in Urban Local Bodies and Town panchayats. Registration of birth occurred to Indian Citizen abroad (outside India) Any Birth and Death which occurs outside India for the Citizens of India is to be registered at the Indian consulate under the citizenship Act, 1955 and every such registration is deemed to have been made under the RBD Act. The Birth certificate issued by the Indian Embassy would serve all the Purpose. In case, if the parents of the child return to India with a view to settling therein, the said birth can be registered with in sixty days from the date of arrival of the child in India at the place of settling. In case if the birth has not been registered within 60 days from the date of arrivals, the same can be registered under the delayed registration provisions of section 13 (2) & (3) of the said Act. Registration of Adopted Children Adoption procedures have been made simple and a new form for registering adopted children has been introduced (Form1A) and the Birth certificate to the adopted child is issued in Form No.5 (Birth Certificate) containing the name of the adopted parents and the place of birth will be taken as name of the city /place where the agency / institution giving adoption is situated and the registrar will register the adopted child based on the adoption order of the court and the registered adoption deed. For non institutional adoptions that took place within relations or acquaintances registered adoption deed duly registered before the sub registrar authorized by the State Government is enough and no need to produce adoption order of a court for such cases. If the adoptions taking place through institution the details of the parents may or may not be known and the birth of the child may or may not be registered. In case Birth Registered In case the birth of the adopted child has already been registered then the place of birth and the date of birth in the original birth certificate will not undergo any change. The registrar in whose jurisdiction the adoption agency is located shall send the duly filled birth reporting form along with the adoption order / deed and the copy of the original birth certificate to the registrar where the birth was originally registered. The registrar shall also make a request to effect changes in the name of the child, name of the adoptive parents and address of the adoptive parents in the birth records and send the revised birth certificate to him / her for being provided to the adoptive parents. On the basis of the details contained in adoption order / the deed requisite changes will be made in the name of the child, name of the adoptive parents and address of the adoptive parents by the registrar where the birth was originally registered. Birth not registered In case the birth of the adopted child has not been registered the place where the adoption agency is located shall be treated as place of birth of the child. The date of birth of the child has to be determined by the Chief Medical Officer or any duly licensed physician and as reflected in adoption order / deed issued by the local magistrate shall be recorded as the date of birth in birth reporting form. The date of birth, name of the adoptive parents, address of the adoptive parents as contained in the adoption order / deed along with the number and date of the order shall be entered in the birth reporting form. The concerned registrar of the area where the adoption agency is located shall register the birth on the basis of the adoption deed and duly filled in birth reporting form and issue the birth certificate. Issue of Birth Certificate for single parent / unwed mother If a Single parent / unwed mother apply for the issuance of a Birth Certificate for a child born from her womb, the Birth and Death Registrars concerned may only require her to furnish an affidavit to this effect, and must there upon issue the Birth Certificate, unless there is a Court direction on the contrary. In such cases the name of the single parent will be written in the birth record and the name of the other parent will have to be left blank. Registration of Vital Events Occurring in Moving Vehicles If death occurred in a moving vehicle, it should be reported by the family members or attendant accompanying the deceased to report the event to the Jurisdictional Registrar for registration. The Death occurred in a moving vehicle transporting a patient should not be treated as institutional death despite the fact that patient was taken to nearby hospital and declared brought dead by the hospital. The Medical Officer is not responsible for reporting such deaths. It cannot be the hospital name and address or the way to hospital etc. It will be registered by the Registrar in whose jurisdiction the area falls. In case of natural death in a moving vehicle, in addition to vehicle in charge, if deceased was accompanied by relatives or attendant, they may report the event to the concerned Registrar in whose area the event occurred. In case deceased was not accompanied by any one, the vehicle in charge should report the event to the concerned Registrar in whose area the event occurred. In case of accident, murder etc. (where an inquest is held) it will be covered under Rule 6(2) and will be registered on the basis of the Police inquest report and the Death report form furnished by them. The place of death will be the same as mentioned in that report. In case of long journey, the first place of halt will be the place of death, in addition to vehicle in charge, if deceased was accompanied by relatives or attendant, they may report the event to the concerned Registrar in whose area the event occurred. In case deceased was not accompanied with any one, the vehicle in charge should report the event to the concerned Registrar in whose area the event occurred. Procedure for registration of birth of Orphan/abandoned children The in-charge or caretaker of the concerned institution in case of children in orphanage or similar institution and the guardian in case of children outside such institutions are responsible for reporting the birth event to the concerned Registrar of births and deaths under Section 8 of the Registration of Births and Deaths, (RBD) Act,1969. a. In case the place of birth of the orphan child is not known, the place where the orphanage is located or the child is residing may be treated as the ‘place of birth’ of the child. b. In case the date of birth of the child is not known, the age may be determined by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) having jurisdiction over the area where the orphanage is located or the child is residing and a probable date of birth assigned. The date of birth as assigned by the CMO can be taken as the date of birth and entered in the Birth Reporting Form. c. In case the name(s) of parent(s) are known to in-charge of the institution/guardian, enter the same in the birth reporting form. In case the name(s) of parent(s) are not known, the column for name(s) of parent(s) shall remain blank in birth reporting form. d. If the child is admitted through ‘Surrender Deed’, the respective orphanage should obtain birth certificate from the parents concerned in order to avoid duplication. If birth was not registered earlier, the orphanage shall report the details of the child for birth registration as mentioned above. e. In case the name of the child is known, the same may be given in the Birth Reporting Form. In case the name is not known, the person in charge of the orphanage/guardian shall give a name to the child and record the same in the Birth Reporting Form. f. In cases of delayed Registration, the procedure as laid down in Section 13(1), (2) and (3) and corresponding Rule 9 may be followed. g. The concerned Registrar of Births and Deaths having jurisdiction over the area where the orphanage is located or where the orphan is residing shall register the birth based on the particulars provided in the Birth Reporting Form. Supportive Documents to be provided for Registration: The supportive documents for date and place of occurrence of a domiciliary birth/death and reported within 21 days of occurrence of the event along with Birth/Death Reporting forms are: Declaration by parent(s) in prescribed proforma Address Proof- copy of any one of the self attested document (Voter id card, electricity/gas/water/ telephone bill, Passport, valid Ration card, Aadhaar card, running bank account etc.) Provision of Birth and Death Certificates through On-line The Government have ordered for implementation of the new common CRS Software by all line departments from 01/10/2017 in G.O. Ms. No.351, Health and family welfare (AB2) Department, Dated 09/10/2017. |
| Birth Registration Forms | Death Registration Forms | Still Birth Report Form | IDC G.O. | |